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Mohamed Mostafa

Software Engineer

I am a Software Engineer and a Computer Science student at Suez Canal University. I have a deep passion for building systems that are strong, efficient, and easy to use. I focus on backend development, where I design and develop reliable solutions that help applications run smoothly. I love solving problems and turning ideas into real, working systems

Most recent works

Talabat APIs

Talabat Integration Platform API enables vendors to manage store, menus and orders on the Talabat platform

ASP.NET CoreC#Sql ServerRedis
Manga Store

Manga Store MVC project is a comprehensive web application built using .NET MVC Core. It allows users to browse, purchase, and manage manga collections with integrated payment processing. The application features a user-friendly interface for seamless navigation and secure transactions

ASP.NET MvcStripeSql ServerAzure
HungerStation Microservices

Built seven microservices with .NET 8, featuring secure authentication, Azure Service Bus communication

MicroservicesAzure Service BusRabbitMQ

E-commerce allows users to browse products, add them to the cart, and place orders.

Taylor Swift Quiz

I made random lyrics quiz generator for the best songwriter


Work Experience



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